Aspire to be the compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to offer helps to all living beings.

Aspire to be the Manjushri Bodhisattva to act with boundless ability.

To be compassionate and act diligently.

To contribute and serve all living beings from the heart.

Everyone can have the qualities of a great Bodhisattva.

We welcome you to join the volunteer team of Sau Seng Lum.


  • Promote the spirit of Sau Seng Lum in benefiting oneself and the others.
  • Dedicate to serve the community and promote health related activities.


  • Cultivate and expand the innate compassion and wisdom, purify and transform the body and mind.
  • Looking for ultimate happiness in the process of serving the others.

Please complete the form below to sign up as a volunteer today.

Volunteers Application Form

    English Name (*)

    Chinese Name

    NRIC No. (*)

    Gender (*)

    Date of Birth (*)


    Religion (*)



    Health Condition

    Marital Status (*)

    Address Line 1 (*)

    Address Line 2

    City (*)

    Postcode (*)

    State (*)

    If others, please specify

    Country (*)

    If others, please specify

    Email (*)

    Home Telephone No.

    Mobile No. (*)


    Refuge Blessed By

    Emergency Contact Person (*)

    Emergency Contact No. (*)



    Specialized In

    Interested In

    Experience In Charity Organization

    Reason to become a volunteer

    Availability For Volunteer Work

    Select Photo To Attach (*) Max file size 2.0MB

    Preferred Volunteer Time Slot (day, morning or afternoon session) (*)